The Tea Party is at it again, screwing the working class. Wisconsin workers continue their fight and I am with them! If this bill passes in Wisconsin that is the end to bargaining across the country. When was it bad to be in a Union? A Union makes sure the corporations or our bosses do not in fact screw us. We have rights as employees. No matter what your favorite host of Fox News says Unions are the backbone to the working people. The middle class needs Unions or these people will be working for pennies.
Lets do some thinking as to how this has happened. The Tea Party has been going on and on about how the Unions are bad. Let us look at this logically. When the Tea Party first began their terror on the American people they were all for jobs and budget cuts. That was their main goal that and the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers, that's almost laughable! Now how can you want freedom and have people breaking their backs for minimum wage? The Unions make that possible. Lets start with the Tea Parties favorite candidates, most of all won the last election. Shocking isn't it? The funding for these slime balls were from the Tea Party one would think, no think again. Actually, BP was a major contributor to the Tea Party candidates, as well as several other big business corporations such as Koch, Bayer, BASF, Solvay. Other contributors include the Chamber of Commerce that received funding from several Middle Eastern Oil Companies, these companies have an interest in lying about global warming to save them loads of money. The environment is fine, didn't you know that, the Tea Party and Oil Companies say it is, so that must be right! So, in the best interest of these Tea Party elected officials to get rid of Unions as well. keeping the Unions in tact will put a damper on their own funding and political gain.
It is crazy to think that the REAL Tea Party in Boston was completely against things like big corporations. Their whole issue was becoming free, not giving in to England. The current Tea Party is apparently using the name to their advantage, against Big Corporations they are not. They tell people that the corporations are what give you jobs. They may be right to a point, but if they dis-ban the unions how safe are your jobs? When you ask for a raise, they'll say forget you there are 20 people in line for this job and we can pay them less. That is what the union does, it makes it fair and for helps you feel safe in your job. Why would any self-respecting American not want that for our public workers, or any hard working American? So the rich get richer, this is history in the making. The working man is stepping up and saying not today jerk off. It is inspiring and it should be done all over the United States. We should be marching in front of every government building, ever major corporation, and at every Tea Party rally until things get done! This is becoming ridiculous. We are losing here and no one except Wisconsin and Ohio seem to give a crap. Do something take the time to watch the news, read a newspaper, figure it out or the wealthy corporations are going to walk all over us and we will be lost forever.
Think about this, if Wisconsin law makers pass this bill, what do you think will happen in your state? Do you think the Unions will continue? Do you think you'll be paid what you should be paid? Another question is, do you think it wont happen to you? It's happening watch what the House of Representatives are doing instead of their jobs on the budget. Abortion, Patriot Act, the list goes on it is ridiculous. We need jobs! Even if you're pro-life and you do not have a job do you really give a damn that the government funds women to get birth control? Correct me if I am wrong, but is that not a good thing? Do you want a bunch of bastard children running around and no one to take care of them? Oh, wait, that is where our tax dollars will go, paying for all the unwanted pregnancies of the world and the children that are a result. Please people wake up and do something, get off your couch and make a difference, before the corporations take more of our freedoms away from us.
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